Hidden Bluetooth software in XP & vista

This Bluetooth trick is an old one but just publishing for people who still don't know.

Most of you people are searching for software for your Bluetooth Dongles or Bluetooth devices over Internet. Don't worry there is a hidden blue tooth software in Windows XP and Vista.

Follow the below mentioned method for this Blue tooth trick .

1. Open the run command.

2. Now type fsquirt without quotes. This will open a window with text Welcome to Bluetooth File Transfer

3. Now just select whether you want to send or receive any file and you are done. Wizard.

when u buy a bluetooth dongle, it come's with its own drivers and set of user friendly application. so, this "Bluetooth trick" is not quite important... Only if u have lost ur drivers or are using the bluetooth dongle at a friends cpu which doesnt have the drivers installed Etc.


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