Data encryption comes alive with honeycomb on android tablets

We all might want to hear about cutting edge technology in cameras, processors, memory in the tablets releasing every now and then. But there is one feature in the android tablets that has been still learning foot steps. It’s data encryption.

It takes life with the all new Android 3.0 widely called the “honeycomb” which enables high level security by encrypting the data and locked with a password.
Engadget noticed this option on Motorola Xoom.But, google bounces back with a statement that it won’t only be motorola’s possibility anymore.Once can encrypt their “ accounts, settings, downloaded applications and their data, media and other files”.
The encryption occurs in an hour or more.As a whole,the characteristics of the feature is still at large.The standards used in the cryptography (the iPad uses 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption) is an alien thing yet.The negative impacts on the tablet like slowing down the speed and enormous battery usage are to be considered in the long run.


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